if you have the time or money to come to new york and see this show you must must must must!!!!! it combines this country's need for ADD/ADHD stimulation, aerial dance (the new dance that i think we need to get accustomed to before we miss the boat), stunts, high energy anything, sexy bodies naturale, dance that's at the brink of climax, and bass heavy beats, ALL coming together with the glue of innovative audience interaction and upping the bar of the "theater production crew."
i am so damn inspired.
i almost cried.
it gives me hope when people dish out $75 to see something that isn't sports related or pop music via ticketmaster.
and to top it off, a lot of the dancers have random backgrounds and a little bird told me are also "burners"...... people that enjoy burning man.
go dance today. even if it's just while you're cooking dinner. or in the shower.
we have bodies meant to move.... and sometimes up the walls!