Welcome to New York folks. hold onto your seats because there aren't really any.
after posting my first blog, i read it and realized i sound like a crazy person. and really, i am one, but no one will read this if it is complete nonsense. so let me start over.
i am living in brooklyn, new york city, and i decided to live here because i am, what i like to believe to be, a dancer. i almost call myself a dancer because ive been doing it since i was 4 years old. by doing it, i mean dancing more than the average person, and doing it well enough to want to be seen doing. when laid out as so, i am nuts for leaving ohio to move more and allegedly better than most people.
so now i must go, because i am about to sleep with my boyfriend in ohio via skype. and i have to get up at 4:30 am to go to work.
like i said, crazy person.... or maybe im just on my period like white on rice. ew blood.
...next blog will:
not include so many i's.
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